Following the trend of scientific publications, Healthsciences Scientific Journal Publishing responsible for the publication of this journal adopted the expedient of publishing in continuous flow.


Published: 2023-11-24

Nutritional therapy service implementation manual for an oncology hospital

Felipe José Frade Pinheiro, Vanessa Yuri Suzuki, Jorge Alberto Torres Madeiro Leite, Renato Santos De Oliveira Filho

E0362021 - 1-13

Food habits of individuals with Down Syndrome

Yuri Castro Saito, Alíria Corcino Duarte Sousa, Ana Cristina de Castro Pereira Santos

e0332021, 1-9

Perfil nutricional e suplementação de atletas de futebol

Marcelo Bolzan Agnello, Arthur Miranda Saggioro, Pollyana Ayub Ferreira

e0312021, 1-9

Influence of Eating Behavior and Body Image on the Self-esteem of adults

Marcella Cantanhêde de Oliveira Cruz, Letícia Pereira Campos, Dayanne da Costa Maynard

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