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Bárbara Pestana Pontes
Jhessica Silva do Amaral
Laiz Rodrigues Michetti
Cláudia Beneton Luques
Fernanda Ferreira Corrêa


The Manual of Good Practices is a document that describes the actions taken in the establishment, such as the hygienic-sanitary measures of the place, in order to guarantee the quality of the prepared food. With the emergence of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and the current pandemic situation, the collective feeding scenario must be analyzed by the nutritionist to assess the possible adjustments in the food and nutrition service during this period. This work aims to verify the application of the tools of the Manual of Good Practices in the prevention of COVID-19 in a military UAN. A diagnostic evaluation was carried out through an online questionnaire with 10 military men, adults, involved in food production. Based on the notes, training was conducted on the manual of good practices and actions to prevent COVID-19 through verbal presentations and infographics set in the environment. After training, the questionnaire was reapplied in the same way to the same military personnel, to compare assertiveness between the first and the second questionnaire. As a result, there was a 70% increase in assertiveness in the responses in the second questionnaire after the interventions. In this way, the handler with the highest degree of information correctly understands and executes the guidelines of the Manual of Good Production Practices, which is an essential tool in the prevention of several foodborne diseases and also reduces the direct transmission of COVID-19 between employees in the production environment, since it provides the step-by-step for hygienic-sanitary control, being even more essential in the current scenario in which we live.         

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How to Cite
Pontes, B. P., Silva do Amaral, J. ., Rodrigues Michetti, L. ., Beneton Luques, C. ., & Ferreira Corrêa, F. (2020). Brasil. Advances in Nutritional Sciences, 1(1), 1–13.
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