The relationship between eating behavior and self-perception of body image
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The nutritionist plays a fundamental role in helping control noncommunicable chronic diseases by promoting lifestyle change and healthy eating, emphasizing the particularities of each individual. It is extremely important to understand the eating behavior of an individual and its correlated factors. It aims to evaluate the relationship between eating behavior and body image perception of the individual. A literature review was performed in the MEDLINE and LILACS databases with the descriptors “feeding behavior”, “body image”, “diet”, “nutritionists” and “nutritional status” using the boolean technique “AND” and “OR” of articles published between 2013 and 2019. A total of 32 articles were used. The articles were searched from June to September 2019. The most used instruments to evaluate eating behavior and body image were the Eating Attitude Test-26 and the Body Shape Questionnaire. In most studies it was possible to observe body dissatisfaction in eutrophic individuals. Among children and adolescents, boys are more satisfied with their appearance. In relation the self-image evaluation, most adolescents wanted a smaller silhouette. Inadequate eating behavior and body dissatisfaction were observed in these individuals and are strongly associated with dietary restriction. In the university population, body dissatisfaction was found mainly in women. Approximately half of women have the ideal to weigh less or feel overweight and are more susceptible to idealizing the “perfect body”. Athletes overly looking for a body that matches their sports practice to always have better physical performance. Those who perceive themselves as overweight exhibit more restrictive eating behavior. These factors are highlighted in children and adolescents, college students, women and exercise practitioners. Self-perception of body image is directly related to eating behavior and may even be considered a determinant of it.
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