Influence of Eating Behavior and Body Image on the Self-esteem of adults

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Marcella Cantanhêde de Oliveira Cruz
Letícia Pereira Campos
Dayanne da Costa Maynard


Over the years, eating habits and food consumption have taken on a new form and have begun impacting food choices, since the act of eating suggests a moment of pleasure and nutrition. This type of eating behavior can refer to a moment of escape from uncontrolled emotions, which may be associated with eating disorders. Thereby, body image, especially after the evolution of the media, represents a big part of social status, which leads to the interpretation of happiness, confidence, and self-esteem. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of satisfaction with body image and eating behavior, correlated with self-esteem in adults, through a cross-sectional and descriptive research that utilized the BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire), the Kakeshita Silhouette Scale, the EAT-26 (Eating Attitudes Test), and the Rosenberg Scale, all approved and published questionnaires. The survey consisted of 306 participants, and it was found that 36.3% of the sample is overweight (overweight and obese) and 52% of participants have some degree of body dissatisfaction. The majority of the male public  presented a state of overweight/obesity, but they did not show significant body dissatisfaction when compared to the female public, which presented some type of body dissatisfaction in 45.4% of the participants. It was observed in this study that 88.6% of all adults have low self-esteem and that only 11.4% have high self-esteem. Among the 271 participants with low self-esteem, 26.6% are at higher risk for Eating Disorder according to the EAT-26. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that there is a direct relationship between body image distortion and low self-esteem, as well as a greater risk of eating disorders in the female audience.

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How to Cite
Cantanhêde de Oliveira Cruz, M., Pereira Campos, L. ., & da Costa Maynard, D. . (2021). Influence of Eating Behavior and Body Image on the Self-esteem of adults. Advances in Nutritional Sciences, 2(1), 94–105.
Artigo original
Author Biography

Dayanne da Costa Maynard, Docente do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Brasília - Disgtrito Federal - Brasil

Docente do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Brasília – CEUB, Doutoranda em Nutrição Humana - UnB, Distrito Federal – Brasil


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